Can't believe this...

Girls, I found out that my SO got another girl pregnant while he was still with ME! &he decided to tell me through text message! &yes I cried. 80% was because I was mad that he told me through text &didn't bother on telling me in person & 20% was because I was heartbroken. &the worst part was that we had unprotected sex on Tuesday twice &I was ovulating that day, &he we used withdrawal so idk. I'm going to take a test in 2 weeks to make sure. I was heartbroken the whole day that when I told my closest friend she took me to a kick back &I got drunk with pure vodka &I smoked like 3 cigarettes. Which I don't do because last time I smoked was in 11th grade. Then later on the night he txted me &I was still drunk & I told him:
"what I did today, was something that you would of wanted me to do"
​"What is that?"
​"If I have something growing in me it will stop. I don't want your kid ruining my life"
​&&then after that he called me about 10 times &txted me the whole night &this morning I read the messages &I'm disgusted with myself. I can't believe I said that! If I have his kid it won't be a mistake. It was my decision to have unprotected sex with him &I knew the chances I was taking but that was before I found out he was cheating on me. 
​Idk how to feel about this. I just need your advice girls or words of comfort :(