A rant I guess ?

I'm getting so annoyed w/ the women on this app. Almost every question that is posted on here it's something negative or someone being judgemental or someone acting as if they know it all & their way is the right way . Everyone is entitled to their own opinions but at the same time this app is for support etc. there's literally no need to be a judgemental bitch all the time , if someone came on this app looking for answers they want help not someone bashing them for asking a question . Even w/ picking out names instead of " I don't like it " it's more like " that's a horrible name why would you name your kid that ,  ew they're gonna get made fun of " " are you serious " . It makes me not even wanna post on here anymore .  Understand that not everybody has the same mind as you . We are all different & like different things & that's okay . At the end of the day we all are parents to our OWN children & we make decisions for our OWN children .