I don't know what to do

Me and my bf who is also the father of the baby I'm pregnant with is living together and we decided to get a place together before the baby got here. He moved into my place once he lost his job and his apartment and once we got pregnant again (last baby ended in miscarriage), we decided to work on our relationship and get a place together to raise the baby together. I have a five year old already and this is his first child that I'm pregnant with. We've been having on/off fights but today he decided he wanted to blow off the handle and say that doing all of this is changing his views towards marriage because we're doing everything that a married couple is supposed to do, he's accusing me of trapping him when i say it's smarter to raise the baby in one household and not two (he doesn't want to go against his religion since he's trying to restore his faith) and I think the worse thing is that while he is trying to justify his actions and words, he claims that he wouldn't be like my daughter's father who was verbally abusive to me, if I just let him live by himself. I am to the point where I'm sadly considering abortion because I don't want to be attached to another shitty baby father. All of this because he wants to be extra religious, but he wasn't worried about this when we got pregnant AGAIN. I'm not a religious person like him - I'm Christian but I'm not deep into it so I feel like he wants me to be something I'm not, all while he agreed that we would do this TOGETHER...now he's changing on me. I am lost on what to do...