Subchorionic bleed / hematoma

I wanted to tell my experience with this to help those out who may be looking for decent outcomes.
I woke up Saturday morning I was 11w2d and there was bright red blood, enough to saturate a panty liner and some of my panty. I experienced a miscarraige last September so for some reason I was kind of dull to my feelings. My doctor is actually 2 blocks from my job so I went in to work and waited until they were open to get a scan.
On the scan she saw a small subchorionic bleed outside the baby's sac which didn't alarm her as much as it alarmed me (see was actually focusing on a high NT-I'll tell my story on that as well). Anyway she said she saw it clotting already and that it is still a threat regardless. So I was looking at the chances of my body absorbing it, a continuous on and off bleed, the hematoma passing or it affecting the placenta and loosing the baby. I was told to drink a lot of water to prevent cramping and to take it easy and rest.
My bleeding got lighter as the day went on and when I woke up Monday there was nothing. I went to a high risk Doctor for a cvs that same Monday and when they scanned again the bleed had completely healed. Doctors said "it's just one of those things that happen and we cant explain"
Now that's one scare ive overcome, Now I'm here waiting for the results of my CVS,5-7 business days. the NT measured 8mm :-(. which I think looked way bigger on Monday than it did Saturday, so I'm praying it was just positional of the baby cause she was having a hard time getting the baby in the right position cause the baby was moving around so much.
I hope my story help any of you ladies! just be strong and stay positive!