Vivid dream

Jenna • Expecting first baby in late August 2016. Enjoying each day in eager anticipation.
Well I just woke up from a vivid dream.
I had my baby at home (my English teacher boyfriend must have develops some skills because I had a C-section, lol) and after delivery I was holding my baby and I didn't know what the gender (currently 11 weeks and 4 days) was.  I turned the baby around to show my boyfriend and it's a girl.  I then talked about how she'll be a great older sister because I was the  oldest in my family (I guess we'll be having another; baby will have a 10 year half brother, but he only sees us every other weekend).  
I continue to hold the baby thinking of a name (the name Madeleine keeps popping up; that's our planned first name for a girl) and then the baby starts shrinking to current size (11 weeks).   
I ask my boyfriend if the baby is too small and he says yes and then we get in the car to go to the hospital.  I then start to also worry about postpartum hemorrhaging.  
I wake up from the dream as we are driving to the hospital.  
Crazy dream about the shrinking baby, but it was the first time I had a gender dream.