Just curious???

So yesterday I had an emergency ultrasound because I was spotting really bad and having awful cramps with it. The ultrasound tech didn't show me anything and never once spoke about what she was seeing or how he was doing...so at the end of my ultrasound she showed my husband and I one thing which was that our little one was growing hair, he had a full head of long hair!! So I started questioning her to which she didn't say much and I understand it's not her job to tell me, I asked how big he was and she said I was measuring just a week ahead, and he weighed 4 pounds 8 oz ESTIMATE weight. I'm only 32 weeks along! 
Does he seem big for his gestational age??
Mind you, I'm high risk for preterm labor, have already tried going into labor three times, and the dr said he can be here within the next 2-4 weeks!