Late post!

On Thursday morning I had an appointment for inducement at 7am. I was in labor for 22 hrs 19 hrs without any meds or epidural and then the last 3 hrs I had to get an epidural because I wasn't relaxed enough to dialate or for the baby to get in the birth canal. But after I got the epidural I took a nap and got woken up by the nurse telling me I was 10 cm dialated next thing you know they were telling me to push and in less then 15 mins my baby was out lol it's my first and I can honestly say with the experience I had I would definitely have another one especially sense she came out so quick and I didn't tear or have to get cut I thought I would considering the fact that she was a whole 8 lbs 3oz. But anyway this is baby Madison Sophia Cooper 😊💕