Contractions started at 11 pm (but I had no idea that's what they were)

Contractions started at 11 pm (but I had no idea that's what they were).  They were pretty regular at 6-7 minutes apart throughout the night at 5 am I decided to take a shower and it eased them a bit so I sent my husband and myself to work. Around 8:30 am I felt them coming more often and regular so I left work and phoned for my husband to meet me at home. We walked into the hospital at 10:30 am and I was dilated to a 5 so they admitted me. I made it to an 8 by noon and at that point decided it was one for an epidural (I tried!). Brooklynne Reece was born at 5:09 pm on 2-10-16 (due 2-20) weighing 7.6 pounds and 20 inches long. She was well worth the pain - we are in love!