Long post, but I need advice, please.


The last time I was able to see my doctor for my pregnancy was when I first found out that I was expecting which was back in September. I had an untrasound and general check up around that time to and everything was normal. I'm currently 27 weeks pregnant.

However the whole reason I am posting this is because for work I travel with my b/f family to help with their business. We assumed that when we got to Florida we would be able to set up with an obgyn, unfortunately I have found no one to see me unless I sign some sort of obgyn contract and pay upfront between $2,000-$5,000 dollars, which we simply can not afford. O even called woman's centers and hospitals, and got the same answers. I've been in Florida since the end of November and before that I was out state as well. We won't get back home until April.... a month before my baby is due.

Needless to say, I'm going a little crazy not knowing if my baby is okay or not. That being said I haven't had any problems with the pregnancy thus far, the baby kicks everyday, my belly is growing normally, I get pretty regular exercise, and eat relatively healthy.

So my question is, has anyone been through something similar to this? Or is their anyone who does not feel the need to see a obgyn during pregnancy? Any information I would greatly appreciate.