Switching birth control


A few years ago I started using Yaz, didn't work out for me so I stopped. I recently started using the Nuvaring, my Dr. switched me to this other bc pill, Lo Loestrin Fe. I read the little instruction/question brochure thing that comes with the pills, I mean I always read them. And I saw it says that if I have diarrhea or start throwing up I had to read the section that talked about missing a pill which means I have to take another one or whatever. So my thing is, whenever I'm on my period I have diarrhea, and I'm hypoglycemic so whenever I miss a meal I feel horrible and start throwing up. So do I have to find another contraception or what should I do? I don't remember reading that for the other bc. My Dr. kinda sucks at explaining stuff, she barely lets me talk and ask questions.

Should I be careful and use a condom the first few weeks, since I'm switching bc?