just a little advice

Ok so ive seen many posts about women worried about their bf/hubby being a jerk or not having time for them etc.. and i'm sorry but i need to express my opinion. if he loves you, he'll make time. if he treats you like shit and youre willing to stay with him then treat him likewise. i know it sounds like horrible advice but some women are just too stubborn to leave their partner and then are complaining. it is frustrating to hear stories of so many wonderful and beautiful women being treated like trash. we all need to love ourselves a little more. i have been in situations in which my stubborness kept me with that one person i thought was ideal. after lying and cheating on his behalf i realized i wanted more in life. i started dating again and turned down guys whose mentality was not on my standards and poof! i am now married with the man of my dreams. he treats me with love and respect and i couldnt be happier. so ladies, love yourselfs and set your standards high. and by high, i dont mean physically. he could be the hottest guy youve ever known but that doesnt mean he'll treat you right after your first night together. give yourself time. appreciate yourself and be confident.