Pain after miscarriage😢😢😢

I had a miscarriage and a D&C 13 days ago I was 14 and 1/2weeks😢😢 .. Something so horrible I wish this on no one... We got to see our lil boy though... Everything seemed to be going ok I had lil pain and not much blood... The blood was even turning brown and then seemed I had stopped bleeding but yesterday I started having very sharp pain and a lil heavyer blood and it's bright red blood.. What is different this time is that It hurts really bad when I need to pass gas and when I have a bowl movement sorry TMI but I'm really scared cause it hurts REALLY REALLY BAD it makes me screem from so much pain... Has anyone gone through something like this? 😢😢!!! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!😢😢 Need to know if this is normal...