Could these be false negatives???

Advice please! I am due to start my period today. Nothing yet...we'll see. On the morning of the 9th I tested with first response and definitely saw a faint second pink line...faint, but it was there. That afternoon I took a digital ept test (I held my pee for almost four hours to help accuracy!) and it read negative. Yesterday morning (the 10th) I took the other first response and it was second line at all. This morning, the day my period is due, I took a clear blue digital and it says "not pregnant." 
I've been suspecting we might finally be pregnant because of these symptoms:
-Boobs being SUPER and increasingly tender for just over two weeks now. Nipples definitely look larger and my bras feel tighter.
-Nausea each morning for about 5 days out of the last week. 
-Food I normally like tasting weird and unpleasant to me...cottage cheese and oatmeal... meanwhile I've been wanting lots of chocolate for about two weeks! And potstickers. Craving potstickers. And I've been eating SO MUCH when I do feel like eating. 
-Some cramping for the last week that feels lower and more twingy than when I have pms cramps. And yesterday my pelvic area became a little tender. 
-increased clear to white cm 
-Fatigue for almost two weeks. 
My period has a lot of similar symptoms, but never for more than three or four days before it. My boobs have never been this tender, and they've only been tender for one or two days before the start of AF...not two weeks. I have been crying really easily for a couple days, which is normal around my period. 
So could that faint line have been a false positive...does that happen?...or are these negatives the false ones? I got so hopeful and now I feel so crushed and devastated. Do I just need to see if AF comes and test again in a couple days if it doesn't? Help!