My fiancé is too sensitive/complicated

Before I met my fiancé, my 7 year old daughter and I ALWAYS did fun things together (skating, bowling, the movies, the trampoline park, Disney on Ice, etc). At the beginning of our relationship, we would invite him to go but he would always decline due to plans with friends and stuff. It got to a point where I got tired of begging for his presence and we would just go places without inviting him. He, then began saying how he felt excluded and we make plans behind his back. 2 weeks ago I said how nice it would be to go to Disney on Ice as a family. Since he was frustrated with his son's mom, he responded "Fuck Disney on Ice". Last night my daughter mentioned that she wants to go to Disney on Ice tomorrow evening. Since her behavior has been good this week, I decided to look for tickets online today. I invited him but he declined. His response was "Naw. Yall made plans to go without me so I don't want to mess up the weekend. There's no telling what all yall keep from me." He's too back and forth. Am I trippin or is he?