So miserable! 😦

So I know I'm probably being a big wuss, but I just feel so miserable right now. I'm 39 weeks on monday and I feel like my LO is never going to make his appearance. At my last appointment on Tuesday I was 1 cm dilated and 60% effaced. I feel nauseas ALL the time, I'm constantly getting these dull period cramps, and I have been to triage 3 times already in the last month thinking I was having contractions. I just feel so impatient and everyone I know is giving birth and all I want is to see my baby! I've tried everything to start things, raspberry leaf tea, bumpy car rides, dancing, walking, pineapple, garlic, spicy food, and nothings working. :( I know I should let him be as long as he needs, but I know he's definitely big enough and this momma needs her little bear!