Trying after a chemical pregnancy

Hi all, I believe I've recently suffered a chemical pregnancy aka an early miscarriage. I went to the doctor on Friday and was still testing positive for pregnancy via urine test so I had my blood taken. I go back on Monday to take more blood and discuss the results on Friday. However I bled very heavily throughout the week and have since stopped. The doctor and I both believe it to be an early miscarriage but we won't know 100% until I get my second amount of blood drawn. Also, my at home tests are barely showing a line now. 
My question is about what happens after the CP is confirmed. Is ovulation different? Is it safe to try again? These are all questions I plan to ask my doctor next week but wanted to see if anyone experienced a CP themselves and had normal ovulation or a different ovulation time? Did you try immediately or wait? Anyone get pregnant easier or was it about the same? Just curious because IF my ovulation is the same, my window starts this coming week and we are ready for a sticky bean!