Change of plans?

So here's what's been going on with me. I just need to let it out before I go crazy! The doctor seemed relatively optimistic. I just want it to be Monday already so we can know the results and either celebrate or mourn. We're in such a strange limbo right now. 
Jan. 5th LMP
Feb. 4th Positive HPT (CBD said 2-3 weeks)
Feb. 10th Light cramping
Feb. 11th Gush of red blood (thought it was a miscarriage). No clotting. No cramping. Light spotting afterward. 
Feb. 12th Saw the doctor. Cervix feels like 6 weeks, US measures gestational sac at 5w 3d, yolk is possibly seen. HCG test done. 
Feb. 13th Light spotting
Feb. 14th Will get another HCG test
Feb. 14th or 15th Will find out result of HCG test
I've read that spotting is normal. Does anyone else have it? The fear is still that I'm going to miscarry because of that big gush of blood, but no other signs point toward it. I want to be positive, but I feel like I can't until Monday! I need encouragement please!