If anyone is considering giving up!

I wanted to share my experience with breastfeeding & how it's been a total life saver! The first 6 weeks were very hard!! I wanted to quit so many times. & I totally get why moms do give up. Honestly, if I had not been laid off right before giving birth I would have quit, but formula is expensive so I kept going since I was out of work. Okay so- things got so much easier for us and we finally got the hang of it and now I love it! But that's not really why I'm writing this- my son is almost 3 months old and has had colic since he was 3 weeks old. It has made me question my ability as a mother so many times, question if anything is wrong with my him, question anything and everything I'm doing basically, & after trying everything to soothe him & nothing working- I finally figured out the only thing he will respond to is my breast. So for 3-4 hours each night he basically latches, comfort nurses, falls asleep briefly, wakes up screaming bloody murder, I switch him to the other side and the cycle repeats itself over and over again until 12am when suddenly he is done with his episode for the night & goes to sleep. I'm not sure if this will work for all colicky babies but it has been the only thing that has kept my sanity (& my husbands). If it would not have been for breastfeeding I'm not sure what we would have done. I hope & pray nobody has to experience colic bc it is definitely trying but, I am so thankful I have this resource to use to help soothe him! It does get old being the only one who can comfort him when sometimes I would love a night off, BUT it's way better than a screaming baby who responds to nothing else. Just wanted to share for those mamas who are thinking about giving up- it's a great comforting tool to keep in your back pocket! & you can't over feed your baby while breastfeeding! (Per my lactation consultant) I know this was long but I felt compelled to share this and hope that maybe it will help someone else out in the future! Or if your baby is colicky try putting them on your breast to see if it helps! (I didn't try it at first bc I knew he wasn't hungry) & just in case anyone is wondering- my baby does take a pacifier and loves it during the day but it does not comfort him at night 🙄 nothing like a mama I guess!