7 days late... But I don't wanna test

Jennifer • TTC #1 for past year. 33yo. Married 7 years.
Gonna be honest and say this time around I'm not excited to test. We have a move coming up and I don't want to made more uncomfortable or stressed by being pregnant. 
But then again I'm in my 30s and been TTC naturally the last 4 years. So I'm conflicted. 
I'm on CD 37. My avg is 30. The longest has been 34 which honestly could've been user error not logging correctly. I've already told Glow my period is late, it auto adjusted to start Monday the 15th. And now it's giving me notifications to update my period because my app hasn't been updated in too long. There's nothing to log!
I've checked CP and CM the end of this cycle and it seems to leading towards period. It's just frustrating...
TLDR: does your period ever fluctuate by 7 days or more? Should I be concerned?