In need of support

My son is a week old today and before he was born, I was dead set on breastfeeding. I didn't understand why someone would want to formula feed (but I didn't judge, not my baby, not my decision) but now I get why someone would want to. I wish my SO could help me feed him. I'm going crazy being awake all hours of the night. Also, he has an issue latching, so getting him to actually eat can take  up to an hour. I love him very very much but after an hour of him screaming I just want to cry myself. I want him to have breast milk because I know it's what's best for him, but I'm going crazy here. I also think that my family will be very upset with me if I choose to bottle feed or even supplement. They know I wanted to breast feed and I feel like they would guilt trip me back into doing it if I gave up. Help!!!