Meatballs and sauce from scratch

This is the end result 
....this is with the home made pasta:
Sauce Ingredients :
8-10 fresh tomatoes
5 cloves garlic
Large yellow onion
3 medium shallots
2 bell peppers
1 can tomato paste
Ground majoram
Fresh oregano but ground can be used too
Olive oil
BEEF broth
I put everything in a sauce pan with olive oil and cooked everything down then blended it all down.  It may be orange until you add the tomato paste. Browned a little ground beef. Put everything in a large pot with two cups of beef stock. Let it reduce and thicken. 20-30 minutes on medium to low heat. Make the meatballs. 
Meatball Ingredients:
Ground Pork
Ground beef (grass fed is best; not necessary)
Ground lamb (grass fed is best; not necessary)
Two eggs
Parmesan cheese
Fresh parsley
Mozerella string cheese (had these in the refrigerator so I cut them into pieces and put them inside the meatball).
Mix everything and form meatballs around a piece of cheese.  Brown the meatballs using olive oil in a skillet then finish them in the sauce. I used a deep fryer for mine but either is okay. 
Cheese might ooze out of your meatball like this one. 
We made home made pasta but you could just as easily use dry pasta. Cook it for about 8 minutes in boiling water  then 3 -4 minutes in the sauce. 
I need his muscle to make pasta and this is only our third time making it but it's fun with your SO. 
Mix flour and eggs to form the dough. I'm no good at this yet so don't use my measurements. Two cups flour and three eggs. 
Wrap in Saran Wrap and let rest in a cool area for about 20 minutes. 
SO rolling out the dough so we can roll it through the pasta roller. 
Long sheet of pasta. I cut into strips. 
Fresh pasta Cooks in about a minute.