Gender gut feeling

Ever went with your gut and gender was actually right? I want a girl but I just feel like it's going to be a little boy. 

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I was 100% sure I was having a boy, and it's girl!! 😂


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I knew with my first that she was a girl..and she was! This is my 2nd and I have no feelings :( I find out in 5 hours!!!!


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Studies show a woman guesses the gender correctly 78% of the time. I wanted a girl SO bad, but I just felt like it was a boy & sure enough... Boy. I actually cried for like 4 hours straight lol. If you do get sad about the gender, just know, its a temporary feeling.I think women can sense the increase of either estrogen or testosterone, depending on gender.


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For me it depends on the pregnancy. My first, my son, no symptoms no nothing until I found out I was pregnant at 13wks. Entire pregnancy no issues, truly a perfect pregnancy. My second, a girl, crazy nausea, crazy emotions and hormones, highly sensitive to smoke, cravings, etc. This is my third pregnancy, my gut tells me it's a girl but I won't know for a long while because I'm only 9.5wks along. My son is my husband's step child so I really would love to give him his own boy but everything in me says this baby is another girl


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I had an instinct it was a girl, but with all the boys running in my family I played it safe to buy gender outfits.... I might have purchased a few dresses prior 😁 


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I knew both times I was having girls with my two and they ended up being girls. 


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I said boy before our little man decided what he was haha I just had thar gut feeling we were having a boy. Everyone laughed at me untill the scan date 😉 were having a boy!! Hehe xx


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I wanted a girl but had a feeling I was having a boy and sure enough I'm having a boy lol 


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Moms are apparently right about baby's gender 75% of the time - so better than chance but still not really accurate. 


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I had a gut feeling and I was so wrong