Privacy of minors in hospitals

I remember when I was a kid I was asked my doctor in the emergency room if I was sexually active. I was 16 and I was but my father was siting in the room. It was just a standard question and had nothing to do with my broken rib but we didn't know what was causing the pain at that moment. There was no way in hell I was about to spill the beans on my bf and I EVEN THO I was in pain and scared. I loved my daddy but he wasn't a understanding guy and he acted like he hated my bf. So I didn't said no. It didn't matter for a broken bone but how many other kids who have gone in for something that could be related to sexual activity have said no for fear of there parents?

I'm not sayin that in a perfect world kids could all be comfortable with their sexuality as well as parents. And I'm not saying some kids don't have that relationship. I'm just saying a lot don't and fear their parents wrath more than a possibility their sex life may have affected their bodies some how.

So, should doctors have enough sense to ask a child REGARDLESS of age ((Even 12yo and younger can be sexually active or to scared to tell their parents about sexual abuse))about sex away from their parents?

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