Sl*t Shaming

Katie • I`m 21, basically just here to track my period. Nevertheless, I enjoy involving myself in the community when I get the time ^_^ Married as of August 8th, 2017.
This is no doubt a growing topic and controversy, and I feel like talking about it. I have personal moral OPINIONS that it is wrong for anyone, male or female, to sleep around a lot. That is again, my own personal opinion, and it seems like that's a disagreed with opinion a lot anymore. If you disagree, I get it, and I understand if you're someone who thinks it's okay for people to have sex with whoever they want whenever they want. I may disagree, but I get it. 
What I do think is not okay, is if someone thinks it's okay for one gender to have a lot of sex, but shames the other gender for doing so. If you think it's okay for men to have a lot of sex, you shouldn't judge a women for doing so, and vise versa. I don't think genders should be looked at differently on the subject. I think if you looks at males one way, look at females the same. If you don't think it's okay for females to sleep around, then don't think it's okay for guys. If you think it's fine for girls to have all the sex they want, think that for guys too.
I guess what I'm getting at here, is stick to your morals no matter who it is, don't be a hipocrite.
What are your guys's opinions on the matter? Sorry in advance for offending anyone, it's okay to disagree, and I know not everyone will agree with what I've said, I wanna see what you have to say.