Late on first week of the pill... Eek!

Ok so I am posing this anonymously only bc idk what, if any, family of mine is on glow. I don't need no nosey people... !! ☺️
Anywho, I have an issue but I don't wanna panic just yet... My periods always been irregular. But lately it's been a regular irregular, if that makes sence... If it's late it's only a day or two, tops. I began taking birth control pills last Monday. (The 13th) and was told to take them through my period to help regulate it. My period was due yesterday morning but I haven't gotten it yet. So I'm a little worried bc before being put on the pill my boyfriend and I just pulled out.. No other methods. We had sex maybe about 3 times the week before my dr appt. and once after being put in it ad again, we just pulled out. So yes I'm worried but not paniced bc for all I know I just have to wait another day and I'll get it. 
So I guess what my question is, is f I just began taking the pill a week ago, can it have already started doing smetimes enough to make me miss my period, or for it to at least come a few days extra late? Or is that just nuts and I should be worried and test? I'm 19 and my boyfriend of 6 and a half years is 22. We are not ready or a baby! (Although id love one, I know we are not in a place to care for another human being. We can hardly care for ourselves atm) can someone PLEASE give me some input?! I do not know what I think right now. Can my period be more messed up after taking a new bc pill for only 1 week? 
Thanks loves for reading my novel! Hehe