Told my mean coworkers I was pregnant... Need advice because they are rude

I'm 5 months and finally decided to tell my coworkers I am pregnant (started to stick out so I had too lol) I work will all woman and most are RUDE. I will see them for the first time since they found out, tomorrow. My second shift boss sent around a really sweet announcement through email while I was off for a week. 
I am afraid of all the unnecessary statements and questions........
I could definitely see one of them saying "oh yes we could tell you were pregnant you were gaining weight" I need a sharp but respectable response to that statement. 
Also, we live in an apartment and they have made comments before about living with kids in an apartment (the one making the comments doesn't have any kids , go figure..) since this is my second baby I know they will comment on the apartment situation as well.
Like if they say congratulations I just want a quick "thank you" type response to shut the conversation down.
SORRY this is sooo long and in detail but thanks to all who have read and responded! I really try to ignore all the ignorance in my workplace but easier said than done and ESPECIALLY because I am so hormonal 😅😘