Last week I began bleeding and just thought my period was starting

Last week I began bleeding and just thought my period was starting. My period wasn't due until the following week according to the <a href="">glow app</a> but I'm so irregular I wasn't surprised. Well, on Sunday, Valentine's Day to be exact, I noticed the bleeding had not gotten any heavier and decided to take a pregnancy test. Well the first test within a minute immediately showed a second line. Before getting too excited I took another one 3 hours later and yes, another line. The next morning, another test and yes, 2 lines!!!! I then went to the drugstore later that day for the digital tests to just flat out tell me the words "pregnant" or "not pregnant". Peed on that puppy and it was the most beautiful word that I had ever read in my life "PREGNANT."
​I went to see my the doctor on Tuesday and he confirmed the next day that my levels are at 113 and that I am at the very early stages of pregnancy.
I'm excited, happy and so scared. Im concerned that 9 days later I am still lightly bleeding (lighter than my period but more than spotting) and am praying to God that this is normal. The same bleeding that triggered me to check if I was pregnant - is the same bleeding that's causing me to worry that there is something wrong. At this point I can only leave it in God's hands that this is a safe and successful pregnancy. I made a second appt tomorrow to check my levels. This will be our first child and my husband and I want nothing more than this baby and can't help but feel so stressed and paranoid. Please send all the baby dust and prayers our way🙏🏼