Cranky baby girl! Feels like a dumb question.

Amelia has luckily been a happy and content baby so far. Suddenly at the 7 week mark (yesterday) she has been getting super cranky. Red-faced mad. Holding her against my chest is the only way to calm her down... She doesn't have a fever or cold or anything. I've been told she would have a fever if it was an ear infection. She was a little gassy yesterday and pooped a few times, but nothing too excessive. I'm a FTM, so I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if she just wants to be cuddled? I snuggle her a lot in the day then put her on a play mat or in the swing while I catch up on household chores.  I feel like a horrible mom because I don't know if she's just not feeling good, how to make her feel better, or how to make her happy if she's just having an off day.