Stupidest thing you've done as a teen?

Lauren • Got my rainbow on September 26th. 🌈👶🏼 👼👼👼
What was the stupidest and most naive thing you done as a teenager? I've done some very questionable things as a teen but one thing that pops up is when I was 16 and my at the time boyfriend and I were arguing, he was at one of his buddies gf house(that was the hang out spot back then) and stupid young me that lived probably 3 miles away decided to sneak out and walk my butt to the girls house. As I was walking down my street (this was in the middle of the night) I met this random guy in the road and thought hey, I'll hitch a ride. He was probably around 20, he had no back seats and his car was beat up pretty bad. Luckily he didn't do anything and dropped me off where I told him to. Needless to say I made myself look like a desperate little child. I'm sure there's worse things but geez how dangerous was that?? 
Now, I wanna read y'all's! Thank you!