Don't know who the father is

There's a small chance that I don't know the father is. Me and my fiancé have been together about 3 years. Well the last 6 months I've been cheating on him with a guy I work with. Me and this guy have used protection every single time. Anyways me and my fiancé have sex weekly as well, unprotected and he cums inside me. Well I got pregnant. My fiancé is happy and well, I am too. I broke off ties with the guy at my work completely and I'm ready to focus and be a better women for my fiancé and my child.
But I need opinions because I literally stress about this every day. I can't enjoy my pregnancy and I can't talk to anyone. I'm getting depressed. Do you think that there's any chance it's not his? We used protection but you know there's always a chance. I just can't remeber of me and my fiancé had sex the week i conceived. It's driving me crazy ! I'm just scared to lose him now. I want my baby to have a happy family. 
UPDATE: thanks you guys, for all the great advise. You've eased my mind and thanks so much. A little backstory, my fiancé has cheated on me many many times before when we were younger. Maybe in my mind this was a way to get back at him. Not making excuses what I did is wrong, But yea thanks to all the women calling me a slut and that my finance deserves better. I forgave my fiancé... I don't see him as a bad man. I know he'll forgive me.. But that's not the point I'm worried it's not his child. I was scared out of my mind. And still am.. To the point where I'm depressed and don't eat much.  And IM NOT making excuses or looking for comfort because I cheated! I'm want to ease my mind that the rest of my future isnt completely fucked! My fiancé cheated and I forgive him. I cheated and there's a possibility my life will come crashing down. I just wanna know everything is gonna be ok