Ok I get that SAHMs have to be with the child(ren) all day and have to clean, feed and take care of the household duties. But what I don't understand is why SAHMs are so big headed about what they do as if working mothers don't do the exact same AND work full time. I get its not an "easy" job to do. But in all honesty, is it REALLY that hard to watch your own children? Does it really take 8+ hours to feed the kids, wash the dishes, and do the laundry? Half of the chores I see women mention that takes "all day" is stuff that shouldn't even have to be done everyday. I feel like slot of you over exaggerate what all being a SAHM insists of. Why do you need to do a full load of laundry every single day if you just did it the day before? Why does it take 8+ hours to wash the dishes? I get that kids mess up regularly so you have to clean up behind them a lot but come on... 8 hours worth!? My main thing is that you women are so adamant that your jobs are so much harder than working moms.  Especially SINGLE mothers. Working moms have to wake up extremely early, get their kids ready, feed them, go to work from 8-12 hours a day, come home to a dirty house, clean, do laundry, dishes, regular house chores, cook, help kids with homework if need, and put kids to sleep within a couple of hours just to do it all the next day over agin. To me that is FAR more work than sitting at home all day getting to rest here and there and then complaining about watching your own kid and getting the benefit of being with them all the time. Idc if I get backlash for this but that's just my opinion. I wish I had the ability to be a SAHM but I have to work for my kids and provide for them PLUS doing everything you do while staying home. All opinions are welcome..