*trigger* hot topic

Keilea • Mommy × 7 / 5 boys, 2 girls RIP Evan Ryatt 3/13/19-7/6/2020 Baby Quinn born Sept 21, 2021

My fiance and I are arguing right now about having the baby boy we're expecting this July circumcised.

I don't think it's my place to make the call to remove a fully functioning body part without the consent of the owner of the penis himself, the child.

My fiance and his mom think I'm crazy and my fiance is getting really heated about it.

We did circumcise our 3 year old, but that's before I knew that it wasn't medically necessary.

Fiance thinks because he has a penis himself, it's his choice to have it done, nobody else's.

Any advice on how you would handle this? I don't want an argument with my fiance, nor one in this post.