3 days late but no BFP :(

Leah • ✨Leah✨PCOS 👣🌈 Angel baby 12-13-17 👶 Arianna Kaitlin 8-24-09💜 Engaged 💍 Rainbow baby due 11-21-2020 🌈
Took a first response test today and was a BFN. I'm having quite a few symptoms like having to pee every 20-30 mins, sore breasts/nipples, horrible heartburn, very fatigued and obviously my missed period. What else could it be?? My cycles have been regular for the last 4 months.
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Posted at
Hey, I am in the same position except I am only one day late. I suppose it could be we don't have enough hormone for it to show on a test yet or the stress of thinking about it has made our periods late. So annoying, just wish it would start if I'm not pregnant!


Posted at
Took another test today, still BFN. Guess I'm just getting my hopes up. Wish my period would start so I can start taking my Clomid!!! Ugh why does it have to be so hard and stressful. It didn't take me long to get pregnant with my daughter when I wasn't trying and now that I am, it seems impossible :'(


Leah • Feb 22, 2016
I have slight cramping backache SUPER tired all the time even after getting a full night sleep and tender breasts. My period should have came by now but I haven't even spotted either like I usually do. Idk what the deal is but something needs to happen soon lol


Mrs.BB • Feb 21, 2016
you're definitely not out until AF shows up..


Mich • Feb 21, 2016
really? I thought it would be a definite no by this point. so could still be pregnant? even just a slight chance lol z


Posted at
I was 9 days late before, and my period still showed up. Thought for sure I was pregnant, had symptoms and everything.. I think we sometimes over think things too much. I do wish you luck! Baby dust to you, hopefully you get a different result than I did.


Posted at
I feel u Leah! It feels so hard and fast yet trying not to think about it is almost impossible when the time of the month comes


Posted at
Same shoes