Temping with no period

I was diagnosed with pcos in my early 20s. 39 now. Haven't had symptoms since then until now. Was on BC most of my 20s then started taking breaks even for a year and cycles still regular. Stopped BC last in June of last year. Started actively ttc for first time in Nov. Now my cycle decided to go wonky. Last period Dec 26, was due for AF on Jan 24/25. Cycles were always 27-30 days and now this. Almost due for next scheduled period in next day or two and besides some occasional watery blood when wiping no typical sign. Frustrating. I got a basal thermometer and was going to start temping but do I wait to get a period so I know cycle day 1 or what? Started vitex, hoping my skip was a fluke and will be normal soon. But what do you think? Should I bother temping, wait for AF?