Why do women stay with cheating men ??

A close acquaintance of mine just found out that her husband had 2 affairs with different women and 1 random one night stand. He wants to work it out and she's willing. I feel bad that I've lost respect for her for making that decision to stay. Of course I'm there for her but I think staying with somebody that blatantly disregards you is a pretty pathetic thing to do. I told her my feelings because she asked for an honest opinion. I told her "You're allowing him to disrespect you". The reason I get so upset that woman stay with cheating men is because it creates a standard across the board that makes cheating men feel it's ok for them to cheat. They feel women will always take them back if they really love them. Most women  (not all but most)  know not to cheat because they know it will surely jeopardize everything she has. I literally had a convo with my male friends and one of them said, while the rest agreed "Men could cheat because if a woman really loves him, she'll take him back no doubt. Unless you got a woman that knows her worth, then she's not going for it. Not saying it right but it happens. When women cheat we know she's not worth shit. She's just a hoe." It was disgusting to hear because it's the truth. Not the double standard, (that was another discussion) but the fact that men cheat because so many women allow them to get away with it. They always talk about this stupid bond they share. This bond that the man just pooped all over. A woman can make sure the man is taken care of, bend over backwards, bear his children and love him to pieces and he'll still cheat. I'm not sure why so many women stay. It's disgustingly pathetic. Is it because of the time you invested ? Is it because of children ? What is it that makes women allow men to come crawling back with sweet words after he blatantly disrespected your entire Union or bond ? Is it because he says he loves you ? Is it because you're in denial? Do you not think you are capable of finding someone else to truly love you and adore you ? Is it because you want a cheating man ? If you have children, is that the type of man you want your son to turn out to be ? Do you want your daughter to go through the heartache and feel that it's ok to be mistreated ? What type of example is that ? Is it that you're trying to compete and win ? Why should you have to win something that should already be yours ? I mean seriously WHAT IS IT ?? Help me understand why you disrespect yourselves. Mistakes happen but forming an outside relationship with someone knowing you have a wife or girlfriend at home isn't a mistake. Allowing your dick to penetrate someone else's vagina isn't a mistake. Especially when it's continuous. And also the women that deal with these men that's already involved? Women need to respect themselves. If he's not just about you then he's not about you. The end. Marriage or not. Women are forgiving creatures and cheating men take advantage of that. A man that cheats either doesn't know what he wants or wants way too damn much that you will never be enough. Why would any self respecting woman continue in that situation? Quit the stand by your man, Tammy Wynette syndrome, and respect yourselves and be with a man that truly knows how to honor you for all your worth and not make you feel like less of a woman because he's so damned selfish.