Baby Shower too late??

I'm due 17th June and my Baby Shower is booked for 28th May. Am I leaving this far too late? Everyone else seems to have theirs months before so I'm paranoid that my baby might come early??

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Posted at
I'm doing mine April 23rd and I'm due June 3rd, I still feel like it's too late because baby has been growing ahead I'm worried she will arrive early! I'm not the one throwing my shower though so trying to just roll with it 


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I'm due June 18, and will be having mine in mid April . Although - I do have a shorter cervix and was told he could be here anytime after 32 weeks , I don't want to be unprepared so we switched the date . It was set for May 14th , my cousin waited a little longer for hers ,about a week or two left for her baby to come , and well to our surprise mr Gabriel was at his baby shower , it was a home coming party for him . 


Neci • Feb 22, 2016
coming home party?? i like that idea!


Posted at
Keep in mind that baby might come a bit early so try to have things ready for baby b4 the shower just in case & if baby gets here before shower it can be a meet baby party & you can then request certain items you dnt already have. I am due 6/8 & will have my shower mid April b/c my son got here 2 weeks early & baby girl might also & I am giving myself enough time to have time to sort through stuff and figure out what I still need. 


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We are doing ours May 14 and due June 6. I want it to be as warm as possible since we are doing a BBQ! 


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You can have a shower WHENEVER you want. Some people even wait till after baby's born!


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I'm due June 30th and having mine April 30th. I will be 31 weeks, I also just want to have everything organized.


Ladyee • Mar 22, 2016
I'm also due June 30th and having my first baby shower April 30th I wanted to have enough time to do everything plus I'm a lil scared she may come early due to the fact my cervix is short n when I say short I mean short it's 0.78


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I'm due June 16th and having mine may 22nd


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I'm due June 7th and mine is May 14th.


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I'm having mine after baby is born...we will have what we need for baby before anyways. It will be more of a meet baby shower than anything. 


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I'm not sure if I would say it's late. However, with my first son, I was due mid June and had him 3 1/2 weeks early - no complications with the pregnancy, he just decided he was ready to come! Everyone is different, if you feel like you need a ton of time to prepare after the shower, I would have it earlier. If you are ok with the possibility of only having a few days after the shower to prep, stay with your date.