
Ok so my husband and I have been ttc for 3 months now I was recently on implanon for 1 yr and 1/2 before we decided to try for a baby. 1 week after removal I decided my first period last about a week I haven't had one since. But I am still getting cm consistent with ovulation! Anyways I took a pregnancy test about a week ago and it said negative but I have been nauseous unable to keep certain foods down I'm kind of tired at times I would have said it could have been a cold but I have no other symptoms related to a cold such as a fever or any of them is it possible I took the test too early could I be pregnant I have a doctors appointment set up for Thursday fingers crossed all goes well. With my last 2 children I knew extremely early with my first I knew before the test did test came back negative and when I went to doctor turned out to be that I was pregnant with my son I'm just hoping it comes out positive on Thursday