Confused, sad, and in need of advice

I've been told by my doctor that it's a big possibility that I can have a natural birth this time around. It made me happy to hear that, but everyone keeps telling me that the doctor is lying to me and they won't let me try that they'll just automatically do another csection. And they also ask me if I'm willing to put my life at risk and possibly the baby's life or health, or if I'm willing to leave both of my children motherless if something were to go wrong ... 😔 They keep telling me just to accept I have to have another csection no matter what and that it's not that bad .. I was happy but now I'm scared because I've read many mommies here have had vbacs and the time between their babies are shorter or longer than mine .. My daughter will be 2 months shy of being 3 years old when this baby comes . Any advice ?