Morning Sickness..?

Hi ladies! I'll try and keep this quick. I'm 28 years old and pregnant with my first. I'm 5w 3d. Please forgive if what I post below is stupid but I've never experienced morning sickness before..
This might be TMI for some ladies just FYI. 
Today overall I felt fine. Light cramping, sore boobs, frequent urination. Those are only the main symptoms I've had thus far. 
This evening right before dinner I started not feeling that well. No huge wave of nausea but all of sudden didn't feel just right and didn't really want to eat. I tried to eat a little but shortly after I felt like I was going to throw up or go number 2. Nothing happened. Went to bed curled in the fetal position feeling awful and woke up hours later with feelings like I had a stomach bug or food poisoning. I went to the bathroom and had diarrhea and felt like I was going to throw up but didn't. Then fast forward an hour later after going back to sleep...went to the bathroom again and threw up 3-4 times. Now I feel a lot better. 
I'm new to this whole pregnancy thing and just honestly don't know if this is a 24 hr stomach bug I caught at the office or if this is legit what morning sickness is like. If it is morning sickness..oh goodness gracious.