You can tell me

Brittany • Mommy to be 👶👪😚 21 years old happily take for 2 years
When do you notice change in your belly etc like getting hard im pregnant with my first yea i know im only 5 weeks but its normal to not feel pregnant other than my boobs hurting and being tired obviously i know im pregnant i took 7 test and wwnt to the hospital and they took one im just asking when do you actually notice your pregnant
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You won't notice until second trimester.. But honestly, with my first, I didn't LOOK pregnant until 20 weeks - possibly more! It takes a while to show with your first.. Those muscles take longer to budge 😉 


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You most likely won't have a belly that you can see until 12+ weeks, you will probably feel a little something yourself a week or two earlier then that but no one else will be able to see, hang in there! Your bump will come faster then you realize! 


Brittany • Feb 23, 2016
okay thank you just very excited lol