Anxiety Support in early Pregnancy

🌸 Holly 🌸 • frm London, mummy to Mila born 17/06/15 💕 and Leon born 12/10/17 💙 xxxxxx
I am 7 weeks pregnant and suffer with severe anxiety. When I had my first midwife meeting I was told that anxiety is very much overlooked in pregnancy (this is in England. Don't know about anywhere else). It's my first baby and I have been terrified of everything; ectopic pregnany, miscarriage, chemical pregnancy the lot. So frightened that a positive test wasn't enough for me I begged my fiancé to pay for an early scan. I had one yesterday and it has helped so much. I saw a heartbeat and can finally accept I am pregnant. It seems there is much help for depression in pregnancy but not much for anxiety which is stressful, upsetting and very distructive for everyone involved. I would just like to say to people, stay strong, don't let anyone tell you you're worrying too much, support each other - and if anyone wants to talk I'm here xxx