Was he flirting or no?

A New coworker (boss for a different department) that I occasionally work with an I were talking today after some drama broke out between my coworkers. My boss suspected it was my doing (I've been with this company for 2 months) but I absolutely was not involved and wasn't even aware before a meeting. 
Well, after, I was speaking with the other department's boss and he said "she probably assumed it was you by how you look." And I was like "what? By how I look? ...do I look like a mean person?" And he said "no! That's not what I meant. I meant that you're, well blonde and pretty and look like you could be one of those girls but your personality isn't like that at all." I was like "oh, okay." I didn't get a vibe he was flirting really. But then as I was leaving I was like "thanks for the talk; it was a rough meeting. You remind me of my brother." (He's into Deadpool, Harry Potter, etc.) (so am I but he really does remind me of my brother) anyway, he respond with "well, that kind of sucks haha."