Anxiety and depression

So last year I had depression I didn't feel like doing anything I just wanted to lay in bed and cry all the time it started to get better as I had loads of help and then found out I was pregnant which was a shock at first but I was happy and excited, my depression seemed to have went away however now my anxiety is sooo bad, I hate going out in public I feel like everyone is staring at me, I'm always worried about how I look, I can't go out without my fiancé being there as he makes me feel safe, I worry about a lot which causes me to have a lot of panic attacks, it's bad that I don't want to leave the house because I'm worried I'll have an attack, well over the past couple of days my depression has also returned😔 I just feel like I'm not doing the best I can be at being a partner and mother I have so much going on that I just want to lie in bed and cry all the time, I have booked myself in with a councelor to try and get some help as I can't go on like this it's so draining and I feel horrible😞 I just wanted to know if any of you mamas have been to councelling regarding anxiety and depression and did it help? Please no judging