2 year old. Health department jerks.

So we're on WIC and we had to go to the health department recently. My 1st is 2 years and 3 months old. She's 24 pounds. They told me she was extremely underweight and high risk. I have to go back more often then normal and they asked me so many questions about how much I feed her and stuff. Apparently she's in the 14% for weight.  her doctor isn't concerned she said she's just gonna be slim. She eats and drinks all the time and snacks constantly between meals. she's just high energy. And has the genes to be tall and skinny. She speaks in basically full sentences. She knows most of her colors and can count to 10. She knows basically every animal and knows her full name. There's nothing wrong with her! Ugh sometimes I think health department people need to bite their tongue.