I just need to vent to anyone

I'm 6 months pregnant and I'm a high risk due to factor v and high blood pressure. My work has never let me work since I've been pregnant so that means no income. My so and I had no other choice but to let his nephew move in and pay half the rent. That's all he has to fucking pay we cover everything else. I get 357 in food stamps. He fucking eats all the damn food in my house that is the only thing I can provide. He never gives his dog attention so he gets out all the time. He doesn't know how to flush a toilet so I walk in with shit being in the fucking toilet. Or I clean my whole house which is exhausting to do when bending over is becoming a struggle. He leaves his clothes and sheets in my bathroom that smells like fucking piss. I just spent this last Monday cleaning the whole damn house spotless and got caught up on laundry. And he has already trashed my house. My so has said something to him and the roommate and his girlfriend are in his room talking shit saying it was my dog that pissed on his shit. How is that possible when my dog stays in the living room or I his crate and spends most of his day outside when it's nice. He leaves his dishes in the sink knowing the dishes are dirty. We can't kick him out because we need the help with rent until after the baby is here and I go back to work. I feel so disrespected in my own damn house. Nothing I do is respected or appreciated. I hear her moanjng all the time. My blood pressure is hitting the 160s because of the stress. I cannot take it anymore. I'm at my breaking point but I can't say anything because then it causes my so and I to fight. I don't know what to do anymore.