My birth story almost 4 weeks postpartum


Ok I've waited a while to post my birth story, just been busy loving my Gabriel-Micah.

Gabriel-Micah was born 3 weeks early at 37 weeks. February 3, 2016. His original EDD was February 21st.

Here's a little back story which led to his early birth. I became pregnant while still serving in the Marine Corps, though at the time I was also transitioning out, as my 4 year contract was just about finished. At 24 weeks I learned the gender of my child and also had my last prenatal appointment. 2 days later I flew home to meet my SO who had gotten out 2 months ahead of me. We had a lot of issues getting insurance so for 10 weeks I did not have any prenatal appointments, at the same time I did experience some things I wish I had the money or coverage to get seen for. Now flash forward.

At 34 weeks I finally was able to get a new OB and was seen and tested and screened for anything I had missed in the 10 week gap. At 36 weeks I had a much needed ultrasound which showed my baby hadn't growned past 32 weeks. It was the first day I met my doctor and she was telling me that I needed to have my baby the next day! Else he may stillborn.

Me and my SO went to the hospital that evening thinking I would be induced but turned out I was having contractions all along and didn't realize it. Also found out that with each contraction my baby's heartbeat plummeted and so we were monitored all night, we experience one emergency where his heart stopped 😨😢

The next morning at around 7 am my doctored broke my water and at 1039am my 4lb 12oz, 17 inch baby was born after 3 pushes ☺💓

The contractions for me weren't bad. They felt like bloating to me lol. When my water was first broken my doctored asked me how I was feeling as she was watching the monitor saying I was about to have a pretty bad contraction. I told her how it felt and she said wow! You're gonna have a easy birth if you can take that! But by the time I was 9 cm dilated I was begging for an epidural, too late obviously lol. I pushed 3 times and he was literally flying out. Today he is around 5lbs and 9oz as was quoted at his last check up almost 2 weeks ago. We have one Thursday. We went home after only 3 days in the hospital.