Lonely & Empty feeling

Val • Mother to Damian Xavier born in July2016 💚
I have no one to reach out to so I'll post on here so someone can at least hear me out. Im 20weeks pregnant, I've been alone all of my pregnancy. The worst part of it is that i was in a 7 year relationship and we never had children. I got pregnant a crazy night after his birthday celebration and as soon as I found out he walked out and told me to pick him or the baby. How could i get rid of my child? How could i? I could never and after 7 years together i thought that he would be happy. He had asked for a baby before but i wasnt ready, i wanted to finish school because I felt like I needed to have something for myself just in case we were to ever break up and i needed to work( i was a homemaker; cooked, cleaned , washed while he worked to pay the bills) so I always worried " what if " we ever break up and I have no money because I always depended on him?  I needed something to fall back on. Anyway, now 5 months pregnant... Alone.. He pays my bills because im having his child and pays my rent too.. But I just don't understand why? What did i do? why would he do this to our child? After everything I've gave him... I bended over backwards for this man and he does this bullshit to me.. To top if off.. Hes now seeing some 18 year old girl.. She constantly sends her friends to stalk my social media accounts and now i even have to deal with that too. Im getting to this point of complete desperation. I can't take this anymore.  I would go back to my parents but they're in europe. 😞 i have no family, or friends i can talk to.. I am alone.