Let me bitch for a minute..

Amanda • I`m going through a separation. I have a 5 yr old. Had one ectopic pregnancy back in December. Pregnant with baby #2!!
I'm gonna say it like it is. But no, I am not going through this personally. Women are complete assholes to each other. If your man is fucking around on you with someone else and you just find out about it, don't go off the hinges , ASSUMING the female he's fucking around on you with, knew about YOU! Half the time, your "man" is the true problem in y'alls relationship. Stop going around calling other females whores or sluts. Chances are, that woman didn't know a thing about you. Put yourself in her shoes as well, she probably feels like shit and taking in all the blame for it. No woman wants to ruin a "happy relationship" if they know you are in one. Men are sneaky. Handle your guy and y'alls issues the way you wish, but dont always assume the female is more at fault or even knew in the first place. Stop calling each other whores and sluts. We all get that enough from guys. Whatever happened to lifting each other up, instead of tearing each other down like men do anyways?