Abortion 😞

Dee Deeee 💛 • 27 • Mommy of 1 👶🏽 • Aspiring artist 👩🏽‍🎨 • Just loving life one day at a time 💕
Hey guys, today I had my first US. My baby was suppose to be 13+3 but it measured at 9w with no heartbeat and it was still attached to the uterine wall.... My nurses already told me to call and get an abortion, but I feel like there's still a chance it might be alive because 2 days ago its heart was beating. My boyfriend is saying to get another screening to make sure but my mother is saying that I should go through the procedure because she saw the same thing the doctors saw and she doesn't think the baby is alive anymore . I told him that they are gonna check again before the procedure but he just doesn't even want the procedure to happen all together . This was our first baby and he's really taking it hard, and watching him cry makes me cry even more. What should I do? Should I try for another ultrasound or should I just go for the abortion ? Im really torn apart right now and I need the advice ... 😢😢