Pregnancy vs. Marriage

Stephanie • Happily married. 💜 25 years young. Mommy to Maximilliano (7-9-16) and Maverick (10-3-18).
I am losing control of my emotions. The depression and anxiety is taking over control and my marriage is suffering. My poor husband has been so strong and trying to understand but I can just tell that it's wearing him down and he doesn't deserve to be put through my episodes. And it's pushing him away. Just today alone I have had 3 breakdowns. And they were the worst it's ever been. I know trying to talk to my husband about what's going on is ideal but he's not really an easy guy to talk to. I might as well be talking to a brick wall. He doesn't intentionally do that, it's just how he's always been. I don't really have the support of friends or family right now. (They're all back home in SC) The only time I hear from them is if I am the one who contacts them. So I put a stop to that today, deleted all my social media and will not contact them unless it's an emergency or something important. It's their turn to make the effort. I live in TX and I haven't been able to make any real friends. Unless you count those that blow you off when you try to make plans and hang out or will never respond to your texts "friends" then yeah I have a few here. I guess a lot of my anxiety and depression is stemming from loneliness. I'm a 22 year old pregnant woman living in a town away from all that I know. I'm just lost, feeling hopeless and alone. I don't know what to do.